Kate Koch

We Have The Power To End Youth Homelessness

Every night, over 122,000 Australians experience homelessness. That’s more than the maximum capacity of the great MCG. And alarmingly, a quarter of all these people are between the ages of 12 and 24. 

In Victoria, more than 7,600 young people experience homelessness every night.

Young people need more than a safe place to live, they need stability and support to develop life skills, heal from trauma, and to transition to independence. Your support is needed now more than ever.

Homelessness is not a choice. Homelessness doesn't discriminate.

I'm seeking your support by asking you to donate so that I can reach my fundraising target. Every dollar counts!

Together, we have the power to end youth homelessness.

Funds raised over the years

$ raised since

My achievements


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Thank you to my Supporters


Molly D

Nice work Kate! Such a fantastic cause, I look forward to seeing an update on your experience! 😊


Mark Ackland

Wishing you some sleep on the night Kate! Well done.


Suz Koch

Such a great cause ❤️



Such a great and important cause


Travis Simkin

Good luck Kate!


Tonya Willoughby


Ramana Akula

Happy to be part of your journey in making an impact.


Natalia Hawkins

Go Kate! Proud of knowing you and glad to support this amazing initiative. I will try to visit for moral support


Fleur Johnson

Go Kate!


Steven Haralambidis

Good luck Kate and Team IDP!


Kate Koch

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