Nicholas Reece

We Have The Power To End Youth Homelessness

Every night, over 122,000 Australians experience homelessness. That’s more than the maximum capacity of the great MCG. And alarmingly, a quarter of all these people are between the ages of 12 and 25. 

In Victoria, more than 7,600 young people experience homelessness every night.

Young people need more than a safe place to live, they need stability and support to develop life skills, heal from trauma, and to transition to independence. Your support is needed now more than ever.

Homelessness is not a choice. Homelessness doesn't discriminate.

I'm seeking your support by asking you to donate so that I can reach my fundraising target. Every dollar counts!

Together, we have the power to end youth homelessness.

My achievements


Complete each task to unlock the achievements.

Create a fundraising page

Make a donation to help reach your target

Email your contacts to ask for donations

Thank a donor for their support

Get half way to your target

Reach 75% of your target

Reach your fundraising goal

Thank you to my Supporters


Jason Marriner


Mal Whelan

Great effort .


Cath Evans

Enjoy the sleep out. Stay warm.


Philip Zajac


Boaz Herszfeld

Great Work. Such an important group of people to support


Peter Hannay

Congratulations Nicholas for all the fine work you do for the City of Melbourne



Go Nick!


James Legge

Onya Nick!


Graham Evans

Great cause. Keep up the good work.


Richard Shelmerdine


Ken Jefferd

good wok, Nick


Robin Bishop





Thanks for all you great work Nick


Anne Sinclair

Well done, once again Nick.


Diplomacy Pty Ltd




Nathaniel Popelianski

Well done on doing your bit to help prevent youth homelessness and raise awareness on the importance of prevention as early as possible. Stay warm!


Greg Bisinella

Actions speak louder than words Nick. Admire your preparedness to show leadership by being part of this important cause.. Shout out if you need us to pop over with a hot cup of tea on the night.


Elise Grosser

Wishing you all the best for the night!


Nicholas Reece

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